Exile | Urban Nation Museum, Berlin 2019

Fresh A.I.R. curated by Yasha Young. Photo: Nika Kramer. Exile : def. The condition of someone being sent or kept away from his homeland, whether for social, psychological or political reasons – banishment, deportation, inability to survive or threat of persecution -. Where migration usually refers to the act of leaving one place for another, exile is more about an emotion, a feeling. The feeling of being disconnected from what you once considered your home, whatever your definition of a “home” (geographical, cultural, linguistic, metaphysical etc.). It may reveal itself through various shapes and forms: nostalgia, reject, hope … Exile can be temporary or, to the contrary, irrevocable, permanent. But in the end, even if the decision to leave is freely taken, no exile is truly voluntary and it always reflects the inherent circumstances that lead to it. The “Exile” project aims to tell the stories of women and men who are in exile in Berlin by reconnecting them to their traditions and cultural heritage … to their “home” …